Our pool will be closed for renovations beginning this Friday February 7th

Rules and Regulations

1.No refund given for early departure.

2. SPEED LIMIT10 MPH. This includes golf carts, hoverboards, bicycles, etc. NO EXCUSES. Golf Carts may only be operated by a licensed driver. Drunkenness and fighting will not be tolerated.

3. PARKING – Only 1 vehicle is allowed per site. If the site can accommodate a second vehicle, there is a fee of $5.00 per day. ALL vehicles MUST display a tag from the rear-view mirror. Any vehicle without a tag will be towed at the owner’s expense.

4. GATEDO NOT tailgate going through the gate. The gate will drop after every vehicle. Ocean Grove RV Resort is not responsible for any damage to vehicles or RVs due to negligence. There is a $100.00 fee if you break the gate. Cameras monitor the gate area and video will be reviewed. All Gate passes must be returned to the office or dropped in the black lock box next to the office door.

5. VISITORS – ALL visitors, including repair services, are required to check in through the office. 

6. DELIVERIES – ALL deliveries must be picked up from the office. Food and Grocery deliveries are not allowed in the park.

7. PETS – All pets, including cats, must be on a leash no longer than 6 feet. RETRACTABLE LEASHES ARE NOT ALLOWED. Any cats found roaming the park will be trapped and turned over to the humane society. Excessive barking will not be tolerated. Pets are NEVER to be left unattended. Animals are not allowed on the pool deck, under the restaurant pavilion, inside the restaurant, or in the laundry, shower, or fitness buildings. Pets are allowed in the south outdoor seating area of the restaurant. Be respectful of all Ocean Grove Guests – Do not walk your pet to other sites, occupied or unoccupied. Pick up your pet immediately. There is a $25.00 fine if pet waste is not picked up.

8. POOL – Swimming Pool hours are from dawn to dusk. After-hours swimming is strictly prohibited. All infants MUST wear a swim diaper. No diving or jumping off the waterfall feature. No outside food, drinks, or coolers are allowed in the pool area. Children under the age of 18 are not allowed in the spa. Failure to follow pool rules will result in being asked to leave the pool area. Food and drink are not allowed within 6 feet of the pool.

9. SITES – All sites must be kept neat and orderly. Guests may not store items under or behind the RVs. This includes storage totes. No clotheslines, appliances, window a/c units, lawn ornaments, or propane tanks are allowed. Water and sewer leaks will not be tolerated. Cradles are required for all sewer hoses. A wash permit must be purchased from the office before washing vehicles and/or RVs.

10. CHILDRENChildren under 15 are not permitted inside pool or recreation center without a parent or guardian. 

11. CAMPFIRESCampfires are not allowed on individual sites. Our community firepit is available for use at the front of the park. Fires must be extinguished by 11 pm.

After Hours – (904) 444-1410 for afterhours maintenance emergencies.


Monday – Saturday: 8:30 am – 6:00 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Checkout: 11:00 am
Quiet Hours: 10:00 pm – 8:00 am


Failure to follow these rules will result in you being asked to leave the park.